About me
Iam currently Studying Nc Software Develeopment Level 6,The reason Iam studying it is to hopefully learn more things about computing things and be able to easily use a computer and actually know what to do on it and also i ahve choose to study this so i can type faster and not make any mistakes while typing an email or just in general.Iam also interested in actually finding out all the parts in a computer(PC) and getting the chance to build one is really cool and exciting.
The sport i really enjoy the most is playing football because it is areally competitive sport and you need to be focusing at all times during the time you are playiong because if you do one simple mistake it cpuld lead your whole team to losing the entire game and you need to actaully be somewhat good at football to be able to score, I usually play as a goal keeper since i think im a good keeper by not being scared to actaully get hit by the ball and being able to reach high so if anyone tries to score in a top corner i could reach it and actaully save it and what i think also makes me a good keeper is that i can dive really far this means that if i was on one side of the goal and soemone tries to score a goal on the other side i could dive and hopefully save the ball.